Primal Leadership: Boosting EQ for Success
  • 12/29/2023 6:56 AM
  • Meriden, Connecticut, United States

In the current times of change and uncertainty, employees look to leaders for reassurance and conviction, which calls for effective Leadership. Leaders are mandated to address expressed and unexpressed fears of their team to keep them focused on the job at hand and prevent emotional turbulence from impeding productivity. In 2001, a study by Daniel Goleman of 3,871 executives across organisations revealed that the leader’s style determines around 70% of the emotional climate, which drives between 20% and 30% of business performance.It further reiterated that a leader who acknowledges and alleviates the employees’ concerns is able to get them to perform more efficiently towards their goals.Unlock the power of Primal Leadership and elevate your leadership skills!Invest in your emotional intelligence and master the building blocks of self-awareness, self-mastery, empathy, and relationship management. Transform your team, boost productivity, and foster innovation by becoming a Primal Leader today. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and leadership excellence – your organization’s success depends on it!

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